Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fruit Seasons In Photos

A colleague who lived in Belgrade in the '70's once described the joy that accompanied the arrival of new potatoes in the springtime, a joy of course based upon privation. "After a while, whatever was in your root cellar was withered, and there are only so many ways you want to eat pickled and fermented vegetables," he said. (Of course in 2012, foodies beg to differ on that latter point. And it's officially a trend!)

I certainly eat my share (and yours, too) of imported produce. But sometimes I feel that same joy he described.  So let's salute some of the seasonal produce of the past year, courtesy of the Union Square Farmers' Market.

Spring and Summer

Sugar snap peas!


Watermelon - with seeds!


Did you know "green beans" came in other colors?

Are you as corny as New York in August?

Just the tip of the summer tomato tree

Georgia? I'm in a New York State of mind

Fall and Winter

I just learned that in the UK fried potatoes don't count as one of the recommended daily 5 fruit & vegetables. But still.

Savoy cabbage
Winter Squash

The quintessential fall fruit, denying that it is boring (and perhaps inspiring a blog entry)

One of NYC's iconic fall fruits - Concord grapes (plus friends). Oh, if only this was a scratch 'n' sniff website!

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